Message from Claire Dion Fletcher
November 15, 2018
I am honoured to be starting in the role of NACM Co‑Chair, alongside Carol Couchie.
I have been on the NACM core leadership since 2014 and have learned a lot working with the team, seeing and contributing to the hard work that all our members do to advance Indigenous Midwifery and the health of our families and communities. I am looking forward to further supporting and facilitating this work as a NACM Co‑Chair.
I graduated from the Midwifery Education Program at Ryerson University in 2013, and I recently completed my M.A. in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies at York University. My research focus was on Indigenous midwifery and decolonizing health care.
Currently, I work at Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto, I am also a contract lecturer and the Aboriginal Student Coordinator at the Ryerson MEP. I am committed to the strengthening and growth of Indigenous Midwifery and have a particular interest in midwifery education, both community and university based.
It has been a pleasure to work with Melissa Brown as the Co‑Chair of NACM over the last two years, and I say anushiik for all her contributions to NACM.
There are so many opportunities for NACM coming up, I appreciate this role and the attendant responsibilities. I will do my best to serve the community well during my time as Co‑Chair.
— Claire Dion Fletcher