The National Council of Indigenous Midwives (NCIM) exists to promote excellence in reproductive health care for Inuit, First Nations, and Métis women.
We advocate for the restoration of midwifery education, the provision of midwifery services, and choice of birthplace for all Indigenous communities consistent with the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As active members of the Canadian Association of Midwives, we represent the professional development and practice needs of Indigenous midwives to the responsible health authorities in Canada and the global community.
Indigenous Midwives enable access to culturally‑safe sexual and reproductive health care for Indigenous families, the return of birth to Indigenous communities, and a reduction in the number of medical evacuations for births in remote areas.
Recognizing that the good health and well‑being of Indigenous parents and their babies is crucial to the empowerment of Indigenous families and communities, Indigenous midwives uphold the following Core Values.
Indigenous midwives enhance the capacity of a community to heal from historical and ongoing traumas, addictions, and violence. Indigenous midwives draw from a rich tradition of language, Indigenous knowledge, and cultural practice as they work with women to restore health to Indigenous families and communities.

Indigenous midwives respect birth as a healthy physiologic process and honour each birth as a spiritual journey.

Indigenous women, families and communities have the inherent right to choose their caregivers and to be active decision makers in their health care.

Indigenous midwives act as guides and compassionate caregivers in all Indigenous communities, rural, urban and remote. The dignity of Indigenous women is upheld through the provision of kind, considerate and respectful services.

Well-being is based on an intact mother and baby bond that must be supported by families, communities and duty bearers in health and social service systems.

Indigenous midwives uphold breastfeeding as sacred medicine for the mother and baby that connects the bodies of women to the sustaining powers of our mother earth.

Indigenous midwives create and protect the sacred space in which each woman, in her uniqueness, can feel safe to express who she is and what she needs.

Indigenous midwives uphold the standards and principles of exemplary clinical care for women and babies throughout the lifecycle. This includes reproductive health care, well woman and baby care and the creation of sacred, powerful spaces for Indigenous girls, women, families, and communities.

Indigenous midwifery education and practice respects diverse ways of knowing and learning, is responsive to Indigenous women, families and communities and must be accessible to all who choose this pathway.

Indigenous midwives are responsible for upholding the above values through reciprocal and equal relationships with women, families and their communities.